Aug 5, 2008


Today's tree is from my sisters new neighborhood. I approached it for an interview and found that the trees in her hood are not always the nicest. But I'll let you see for yourself.

Me: Greetings tree. How is your summer going?

Tree: Hot, I guess. I'm bored with that question already.

Me: Ah, okay. What do you think of my sister moving into your neighborhood?

Tree: To be perfectly honest, I can't see it affecting my life all that much. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but really I couldn't care less.

Me: Fair enough. Final question: Who do you think is the biggest band in America today?

Tree: Again, I gotta tell you I don't really follow music that much. I'm a tree, after all. But when I had fewer rings there were some hippies that lived by me. I liked some of their stuff. Whatever happened to the Beatles?

Me: Half of them died, the other half aren't up to much.

Tree: That's a shame. What about the Doors?

Me: Lead singer died, the rest not up to much.

Tree: Wow, I had no idea. What about the Who?

Me: Drummer and Bassist died. The rest ... not up to much.

Tree: You humans are certainly short lived! I guess I can assume all the Rolling Stones are dead?

Me: No, actually they're still alive. All of 'em.

Tree: You know, even after four hundred years, you humans can still surprise me.


Janessa said...

You found a tree in my neighborhood?!

I thought it was all empty warehouses and crack addicts.

Cilicia said...

My trees said to say hi.

Ahimsa said...

In truth, it was a just an empty warehouse that I dressed up to look like a tree.

Not too bad though, eh?

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